Let's Tech Communicate

August 2017

In this late winter edition of Let’s Tech Communicate! we hear about the possibility of robots taking over and what we can do about it. We discuss the challenges of transparency in documentation and learn some great tips for recruiting TCs. Plus, we have screenshots with effects and the world’s most annoying writing mistakes. All this and a whole lot more, from around the 'Net!

Out of this World

Kicking things off this month, we explore an out-of-this-world experience in a Write the Docs podcast WTD Episode 7: Let the robots do the work. The podcast hosts – Jared Morgan, Tom Johnson, and Chris Ward – discuss automation and robot takeovers of technical communication jobs with Polish TC Pawel Kawaluk. They seem to conclude that with the increase in automation, perhaps tool expertise is essential to thrive as a technical communicator.


In Transparency in documentation, Tom Johnson has blogged very honestly about how TCs might have situations where our ability to be transparent about a system’s limitations can be compromised by the marketing or product management department. However, in the end, Tom suggests the truth will be unveiled – it just might not necessarily be by you, but instead the user!

Richard Rabil’s article Evaluating Writing Samples: Strategies for Tech Comm Hiring Managers provides very practical advice for anyone looking to recruit good technical communicators, or indeed for candidates looking to impress recruiters!

In another podcast, Scriptorium: 20 years of content strategy, podcast hosts Bill Swallow, Sarah O’Keefe, and Alan Pringle reflect on changes in the content industry over the past 20 years. From content development to professional development resources, what’s changed and what does the future look like?

Tips and Tricks

In this section, we discover screenshots with effects. Writer Ute Mitschke highlights some useful tips; everything from screenshot definition, improving pixel quality, increasing recording quality, and much more!

Bit of Fun

Finally, check out the most annoying writing mistakes...

Until next time, happy technical communicating!

Luke Pivac